Monday, December 13, 2010

third grade

I teach third grade twice a week for phonics and reading.
When I first started teaching this class, they were the worst. Or, at least I thought they were the worst.

I dreaded coming to their class because they would always jump all over me, tell me they loved me, gave me kisses, and would be so excited that I was there that they would take about 30 minutes to settle down. This gave me 10 minutes to do our lesson.

Since the beginning of the year, I have calmed down a little bit, especially with this class. Even though sometimes they have a difficult time getting into their seats and paying attention, they have come to be the class I look forward to teaching the most.

I am really not one who likes little kids. I've worked with teens almost my entire career, and little kids have just not been my thing. But, these third graders are so excited to see me every time I come to class, even when I disciple them or tell them that they didn't behave well, that it's hard to not feel appreciated.

Last week we worked the "Frosty the Snowman" song for a presentation that they're going to give. Today, we worked on "Silent Night".
I'm not much for Christmas stuff, either, but they were precious, though a bit rambunctious.

It's hard to describe. They are a bit out of control. They like to eat candy, copy off of each other's work in class, talk really loud, speak in Spanish, show me their boogers, etc. And, they are the class that makes me feel like I'm actually doing my job right.
This is why I love third grade.

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